Thursday, November 29, 2007

Delious, Gourmet food. Yum!

This is a picture of some of the food we had to eat when my family and I went to a traditional style restaurant. To the left is my mom finding some seaweed in her soup. To the right is some type of fruit we found. Of course I was the first one to try it, immediately spitting it out. Later that day my mom told me that I ate a fruit covered cockroach. Then she laughed and told me it was a type of plum.

We have seen so many different types of food. Going to an average grocery store is an experience. They have squid and octopus tentacles in packages in the food department. They have these dried up fish that are really small and you see them almost everywhere. All of their food is in very small portions, like the peanut butter (that is if you can find it) is very small. You can't buy gallons of milk only quarts. It is almost always packed.
In about every shopping store they have a bakery connected to it. The bakeries have many different things in them; a lot of them are French bakeries too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The other day my family and I went to a place called Ginza. They have huge stores to go and shop at. It is beautiful here.
When we went there we saw huge stores with designer names, many beautiful displays. Huge statues and art displays.
Ginza is Tokyo's most famous shopping market with dining and entertainment district, huge department stores, boutiques, art galleries, restaurants, and night clubs and cafes. Ginza is one of the most exspencive realistates in Japan with one square meter of land in the district's center is worth more than 100,000 US dollars.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is in Roppongi, and is the world's highest self-supporting steel tower and is the tallest man made structure in Japan. This tower is huge and can be seen from very far away. It is white and orange and is lit up at night to be seen by jets.

The other day my family and I went down to Roppongi and wanted to see from the top down at the city. It was very cold and once we got there it was packed. It was an hour wait to tickets and there were people being carted in on buses, like field trips bringing in children.

At the bottom of Tokyo Tower they have an aquarium, a gift shop, a food market, food court, jewelry shop, and many more things. It is just like a mall.

Tokyo Tower is located in the middle of city block of Roppongi.

Since it was an hour wait we were not able to go up on it but we'll be returning soon.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sweet, sweet Japan

I love Japan. There are always exciting things here and you never know
what will happen or what to expect.
Tonight at dinner we had rice, beef, pork, and salad. Of course we ate
it with the traditional chop sticks, which I am getting a lot better
at using. After trying a little piece of my pork I went to the salad
and started eating that. After a few bites I stopped and stared at a
leaf on my chop sticks for a little while. I couldn't believe what I
was seeing. There was a small little fuzzy green caterpillar curled up
on my salad leaf! I was so shocked. I said "Ohmygod! Dad there is a
caterpillar on my leaf!" he came over and I handed him my chop sticks.
He looked at it a while and than went into the kitchen. I suddenly lost
my appetite and didn't eat much more. Through the rest of dinner I
wondered if it was placed in there on purpose because I didn't think
it was alive and I didn't see it move. I was wondering if they
actually ate caterpillars in there salad or if it was an accident that
it got in there. I knew that there are some pretty disgusting foods
here from seaweed, squid, to octopus and many more things; they eat so
many different foods than Americans' eat. And then I got to thinking,
if I had been born in Japan and grew up eating the foods they ate and
went to America and got a smoothie or pizza or some food that we eat in
America if I would thought it was disgusting like finding the
caterpillar in my dinner!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kiba Park

Kiba Park is a park that my brother and I found in our first few weeks of staying here. It is about fifteen minutes from our house. This park is very popular and on weekends it is packed. The first part you see is this huge open feild with a lot of beautiful trees. They have a play ground, obstacle courses, and bike paths. My brother and I go on the bike paths very often. They are really cool and go a very long ways. From the picture to the left you can see a bridge, this bridge is only for walking and when you go onto it it is amazing. You can see so far away and it is so beautiful. I think that one of my favorite parts about Kiba is the tennis feilds that they have here. Even though I really stink at tennis and make a foul of myself everytime I want to go play, I really enjoy it. This park is very cool and a wonderful place to go to realax. There are a lot of joggers and adults exercising. This park is very fun to go to and my brother and I enjoy it a lot.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My blog page

Hi, this is my blog that I will be writing on weekly about Japanese culture. I will write about wonderful information about Japan. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I do.
