This is a picture of some of the food we had to eat when my family and I went to a traditional style restaurant. To the left is my mom finding some seaweed in her soup. To the right is some type of fruit we found. Of course I was the first one to try it, immediately spitting it out. Later that day my mom told me that I ate a fruit covered cockroach. Then she laughed and told me it was a type of plum.
We have seen so many different types of food. Going to an average grocery store is an experience. They have squid and octopus tentacles in packages in the food department. They have these dried up fish that are really small and you see them almost everywhere. All of their food is in very small portions, like the peanut butter (that is if you can find it) is very small. You can't buy gallons of milk only quarts. It is almost always packed.
In about every shopping store they have a bakery connected to it. The bakeries have many different things in them; a lot of them are French bakeries too.