Monday, November 26, 2007

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is in Roppongi, and is the world's highest self-supporting steel tower and is the tallest man made structure in Japan. This tower is huge and can be seen from very far away. It is white and orange and is lit up at night to be seen by jets.

The other day my family and I went down to Roppongi and wanted to see from the top down at the city. It was very cold and once we got there it was packed. It was an hour wait to tickets and there were people being carted in on buses, like field trips bringing in children.

At the bottom of Tokyo Tower they have an aquarium, a gift shop, a food market, food court, jewelry shop, and many more things. It is just like a mall.

Tokyo Tower is located in the middle of city block of Roppongi.

Since it was an hour wait we were not able to go up on it but we'll be returning soon.

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