Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Crammed Pack!

Today my mom wanted me to go to Starbucks for her and get her a coffee. I waited 10 minutes for a rapid to come. A rapid is a faster train that only goes to certain stations. I wanted to go to Urayasu. When the train came it was packed. I was crammed in the back. I was between two elderly people, a lady in front and a man in the back. We were all crammed together. Once the train started going the lady in front of me started leaning on me. When she leaned on me I was forced back against the man and it started a train reaction. After about 6 minutes of back and forth between the sides I finally reached Urayasu. Everyone got off there and it was hard to reach Starbucks. I got the coffees and went back to the station. I went to ring my card and the buzzer started going off. I only had 60¥ left- not enough to by a ticket. Luckily I had enough change from the coffees to get a ticket, just enough though. Once my train got there, it was empty. There was about 5 people on the whole train total. The closer to Tokyo City you go the more packed it is. My dad says that in the morning when he goes to work there is no one on (because he's going in the opposite direction of traffic) but on the way back he's packed as a bug. That's why I normally walk!

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