Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tokyo Disney

Last Saturday my parents wanted to surprise my brother and I by taking us to Tokyo Disneyland. They said that it was going to be one of our last weekends together in Japan and they wanted to do something special. I had no idea how close we were to Disney. We took the subway and it was only like a 20 minute ride. Of course it wasn't the crowded hour so there weren't many people at the stations. Just like the Disney in Florida once you got to the Disney station you go on this train that takes you around the park to where you want to go. Well we decided to go to Tokyo Disney Sea which is different than Disneyland and they don't have the Sea in Florida. Once we got there we saw this huge globe of Earth that had water coming down it, like a fountain and Tokyo Disney Sea logo in front. It was really pretty. We went on a lot of rides like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Indiana Jones. They were all really fun. The cool thing about Disney Sea is that it's set up like the Mediterranean village. The center piece of the park was this huge volcano, which was the Journey To The Center Of The Earth ride. It's this huge roller coaster. So. much. fun. It was hard finding a restaurant because all of them were Japanese style food. But for lunch we ate at a New York Style Deli. My mom was born in New York and I asked her if this was what one of the delis there was like and she said that that is the best a New York Style Deli in Japan at Disneyland can be. And than for dinner we ate at Subashton's. Pretty much everything was in Japanese and sometimes with English in very small letters under it. So we didn't get much out of the rides that are suppose to teach you something and talk a lot. They also had gondola rides which was really cool. After half way on the gondola trip our gondolier starts singing at the top of his lungs something in Latin which has the Japanese accent to it. At about 5 o'clock my parents were tired and wanted to go home. So they left and my brother and I stayed at the park until it closed at 10. At 8 they had a firework show which was amazing. It was right over the "Mediterranean" river. My brother and I took advantage of the fact that everyone was watching the show and that the lines were so short, so we went on a lot of rides in that time. At 10 o'clock the park closed and my brother and I went home. By the time we actually entered our house it was 11:30. And that is our trip at Tokyo Disneyland Sea.

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