Friday, May 30, 2008

Easter with Nishi Kasai Church

The church my family normally attended, Nishi Kasai Evangelical Church, rented out a room at the Y.M.C.A. International School for their Easter service because their original building is too small to hold all of the people that came for the service.

When we first got there there were a lot children and adults already in seats waiting for the sermon to start. First the pastor came out and preached to us for about 20 minutes and then all of the children performed a play . It was really neat, they all dressed up and told the story of Easter. There were two children who brought their violins and played for background music. There was a boy who looked like he was nine or ten and a girl who was 11. They were really good, I was impressed. Next everyone went in the back of the room and enjoyed the huge buffet of food where everyone brought in a dish. Of course my brother and I had a hard time deciding what to get because it was all... well it was Japanese food. Luckily we were able to grab some bread rolls.

After the play was over we sang some songs and while the children and parents were preoccupied doing that, the teachers went in the back and started to dye Easter eggs. After the songs were done and the pastor closed in prayer, then the children came back and finished the rest of the eggs.

Later a band of grown ups came in and played their instruments and sang. The teachers went in the backyard and hid the Easter eggs, I came too and helped them. Once the band left all the children went running outside to find the eggs. Then we all played a huge game of tag, which was so much fun. Some of the kids had to leave, forced by their parents, and about an hour after the church service the remaining children all went and bought ice cream. I had a lot of fun playing with all of the kids. My favorite part was the play the children performed and were able to understand the true meaning or Easter.

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