Sunday, May 18, 2008

Malls in Japan

The malls in Japan are a lot different than what I am used to in America. The average mall is about three to seven floors high.

The mall that was closest to us is called Seiyu. It is a huge mall that has groceries, clothes, gifts, etc., and whenever you go to one of these mall and there is something you want to buy, you have to pay on each floor. If you try to bring something you want to buy with you up to a different floor, they will stop you and asked you to pay on that floor.

They have escalators for all of the malls, and the bottom floor normally consists of groceries. If you enter a mall right when it opens, all of the sales clerks will be standing in front of their section and will bow to you when you go by. It's so different because before Japan, I never had anybody bow to me before! This is kind of sad, but my brother and I always used to play a game how we'd go to the mall early and try to run through it and pass the clerks without getting bowed at.
The top floor normally has a variety of traditional Japanese Restaurants. I've only eaten at an actual tradition Japanese food place and it was very interesting. I ate squid, octopus, and tons of sashimi.

In the malls everyone is very kind and patient. They will bow to you after you make a purchase and are just very kind. In America, most of the time the people working at the malls are only doing it for the money!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOw 1st comment. Im special. ILY MUCHIES !!! ♥ ♥ ♥