Friday, May 30, 2008


One of my favorite things in Japan is the kindness of everyone. Although sometimes the younger kids would stare or point and tell there parents, that's just because they've never seen anybody so "white". But whenever you went to stores the first thing the people would do is bow to you and thank you in Japanese for coming into their store. They would be so polite and again, thank you after you purchase your items and bow to you. They always smile and are eager to help you with whatever you need. If they see that you're lost (which has happened many times when my family went "exploring") they would stop and ask you if you needed help, if they knew the English for it. One time we got lost trying to travel to a new destination and this man went out of his way to guide us where we needed to go. He was very kind and seemed delighted to help. He was very impressed on how we already had subway cards and knew how it worked.

They don't take tips there either. When you go to a restaurant they don't expect you to leave money, and if you did they'd probably think you forgot your wallet! After you leave a fast food restaurant Japanese people will leave their trays, the remaining food, and wrappers of their meal. The workers at the restaurant are expected to take your trash after you leave. When you take a taxi somewhere they also do not expect to be tipped.

Over all, they are just very kind and polite. They like to give you presents and spend time with you. I really miss all of my Japanese friends.

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